dimarts, 10 de març del 2009

About Religion(afterwards)

Since I've always kept my religion in the closet some people seem surprise of my religious believes. Those people are usually respectful with it like Adria Carmona, however there has been two or three friend whose ignorance have make them underrate my personal feelings. When I tell a friend I believe in god the most common reaction is " You gotta be kidding me, no way are you stupid?" they might also ask stupid questions such as "Do you believe the earth was created in seven days" Do you think we all came from Adam and Eva?". No, hell no, of course not, beeing christian doesn't have to do with anything like that whatsoever. I don't believe in the old testament or anything within the pages which is composed from. Cristians know that religion has nuthing to do with science and you can be a cristian and a scientist. My faith goes beyond the idea of god, my faith is irracional, I believe in human kindness, I believe in a God who is our friend, father of Jesus Christ who had showed us the only way to live happy ever after, fearless and respectfull.