dimarts, 8 d’abril del 2008

My top 5 (Part two) 2007

I've decided to make a list from the 2007 movies.
Number 2 on my list is the first true western in quite some time, 3:10 to Yuma, staring Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, and a bunch of others famous actors. The movie was fucking amazing, and not just because it was a Western, I would like any western but this was an actual very good done movie, Russell Crowe character was well developed and the plot was surprising.
The number 1 movie on my list is a movie that I really recommend to you, after all is my favorite movie from 2007. This is one of the fimls I think is a perfect ten. This movie starts off very slow but it builds until eventually, without you even realize, the movie gets very intense and you are wondering what's going to happen. This film doesn't have a traditional structure, it has not the usual good guy or the bad guy in the movie, it's just a series of events related to each other until the melting point when the movie explotes to end up with one of the best endings I have ever seen, the last 15 minutes from the movie are just pulse raising . The name of the movie is There Will Be Blood, is not just the best movie of 2007, it's also one of the best movies of all time, and I've seen a lot of movies from a lot of different eras so I can make that declaration.