dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008

I Can't take it no more (part 2)

This goes for all those who think listening to the teenagers is worthless, well fuck you all.
I'm just about sick of miss valuing my opinions and telling me what to do or what not to do just because I'm not an adult yet. No fucking way dude, it doesn't work that way. I'm already seventeen turning eighteen, I understand I don't have any kind of experience in lot's of fields, but that doesn't mean any older guy is free to give me shitty opinions like if they were known truths. Yo, I may be young but still I have my own opinion,(very strong opinion by the way) and I made up my values and personal believes which I built over the years. My thoughts might be right or wrong but at least they are unique and they didn't come from nobody but me.
I'm always happy to follow wisdom advices and even to accept rules from people which I know I can really learn something, even if they are younger than me,I'm always open to hear suggestions without being prejudice In fact people who I respect are the people you have to listen from, no matter the age that's why it bothers me when some morons start complaining about how horrible teenagers are, how howful we are. Look bodi, I know there are a lot of young guys just like me that have a lot to learn and they don't have a sense of responsibilities and mature less, but that gets not even close to generalize by saying all teenagers are the same.For instance I know some of my classmates who are way more focus than their fathers and I also know a lot of students obiosly smarter than most grown-up mans. I wanna make clear We know how to tell the difference beetween wisdom and stupidity. Please, DO NOT EVER GENERALIZE.
I'm just about sick of those people all they like to do is generalize " Oh man A black random man just stole my purse, all black people do is steal" there are lot of situations which appear to that one, people use to generalize to much, they think they know everything about something just from an event that mostly is gonna happen once in their lives. Even if you get jack hundred times per day by a diferent black guy, you are not allowed to generalize and claim "All Black people do is rob". Generalitacions are mainly due to the differences within the countries and costums, religions or race. I'll guive you and example from each type of generalitazions that you could hear everyday.
Exemple 1: "French people are a natural romantic lovers" It's obviously a lie, there are french people who suck really hard when it comes to love and dating ...
Exemple 2: " The muslim religion is the worst of all of them because treats womans like slaves" This is the biggest lie I've ever heard, but lot's of people think it's true, even myself, I used to think it was true. The muslim reliogion is not the same in all the countries, depending the country the costums change. In the states the muslim religion is more free than the catholic here. Malcom x was Muslim, Classius Clay is still a Muslim. In the sacred book of Al Coran it doesn't say anything about the women condition. If in Marroco or Saudi Arabia women isn't free it's not because of the religion it's because of the culture of the countrie and the poverty, because in the states, the girls who are muslim, same religion as in Morocco, they are totally free to do whatever.
Exemple 3: "Black people are smellie" Totally wrong again, if some black people smell it's not cuz they are black or because they don't like to be clean, it's because they can't afford to take a shower every fucking day. Do yo think rich Black people like Obama or Morgan Freeman or William Smith don't like to stay clean? Do you think they smell?
Well I hope you don't, because if you do, it's a matter of time to blow your brain out of your head.