dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2008

Obama has broken with the truth

Lately sen. Barack Obama had to face another crisis: Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright is the reverend on the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago, the Obama's church. Barack Obama was forced to distance himself three months from his former pastor and religious mentor, because Jeremiah Wright made some strong radical declaration about racism and terrorism on USA, so Obama who didn't want to get in trouble had get public the end of his relation with the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago and consequently the end of his relationship with reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Here I'll show which were the radical declarations from the reverend Jeremiah Wright:
"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," he said in a sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."
"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost,"
Unfortunately what the Rev. said is correct. People might disagree on his delivery but he has just said what the rest of the world already knows about the US. Its time for the US to lead by example instead of bullying.Saying love it or leave it is a cowards way out.... a real patriot will fight to fix what is wrong in his country instead of rolling over an accepting!

I think Obama has broken with his past, the decision he made by leaving the church and breaking his friendship with the reverend is such a coward action, Obama has just shown that he doesn't have any kind of morals or values, he only wants to became president at any price, no matter what he had think or had done, now the importance is to not get in trouble.

dimarts, 8 d’abril del 2008

My top 5 (Part two) 2007

I've decided to make a list from the 2007 movies.
Number 2 on my list is the first true western in quite some time, 3:10 to Yuma, staring Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, and a bunch of others famous actors. The movie was fucking amazing, and not just because it was a Western, I would like any western but this was an actual very good done movie, Russell Crowe character was well developed and the plot was surprising.
The number 1 movie on my list is a movie that I really recommend to you, after all is my favorite movie from 2007. This is one of the fimls I think is a perfect ten. This movie starts off very slow but it builds until eventually, without you even realize, the movie gets very intense and you are wondering what's going to happen. This film doesn't have a traditional structure, it has not the usual good guy or the bad guy in the movie, it's just a series of events related to each other until the melting point when the movie explotes to end up with one of the best endings I have ever seen, the last 15 minutes from the movie are just pulse raising . The name of the movie is There Will Be Blood, is not just the best movie of 2007, it's also one of the best movies of all time, and I've seen a lot of movies from a lot of different eras so I can make that declaration.

dilluns, 7 d’abril del 2008

My top 5 (Part one) 2007

I was going to make a text about how everything is hopeless and every year is exactly the same so there's no reason thinks will change to better, but that seems depressing so I decided to write about something less depressing than the real situation> the movies.
I'm not a movie expert because I don't really know the names of any directors or cinematographers or screenwriters, I just like movies, I pretty much see one or two movies a week. I watch any kinds of movies from the independents ones up to the more commercial ones, so I decided to compile a list of my top five movies from 2007. I've tried to make a list once before but it took to long so this time I'm not even gonna bother trying to explain every movie perfectly.
The number 5 movie is knocked up, the reason I like this movie was probably because It was god dam surprising to me when I went throw with it. I thought the movie will be just another kind of cheap American stupid ass comedy, but I end up wacthing a movie with a interesting plot, developed characters, and overall it was hilarious.
My number 4 movie from my top ten 2007 list is a movie that probably many of you haven't seen, I have not heard anyone talking or discussing about it, but it is one of the best movies anyway . The name is Turtles can Fly, is an Iraqi and Iranian film. Turtles can fly is an story set in a Kurdish refugee camp on the Iraqi-Turkish border on the eve of the US invasion of Iraq, In the refugee there are lot's of orphan children who's lives aren't easy, they have to clean up the minefields in order to survive.
Number 3 is the Simpsons movie, I didn't want to put this in my list because it sounds corny to have a movie based on a still running TV show which has really lost the relevance, but this movie was pretty fucking good. Even though the show is lousy this days,the movie is really good with really god jokes. It was maybe not as good as it could it been, but you can say that with any adaptation to the big screen. The movie was really successful and the producers seem to understand how to make the humor work in a 90 minuts format versus the 30 minuts format from the show.

divendres, 4 d’abril del 2008

About soccer

First off I want a clear that I am a really soccer fan, I really enjoy watching soccer games on TV, and usually I never miss to watch a match. I understand soccer teams can be really important to the people until the point some people's life are directly related to their teams, in my case I'm not that fanatic, I just love to spend some time watching my favorite team: Sevilla football club, instead of waste my time watching crappy tv shows or bad movies.
As I said before, even though I don't play soccer, I have always like to watch it, but nowadays, with the European Cup coming up, I am starting to realize that maybe to much relevance is being giving to Spain National team. A lot of people are expecting Spain to win so badly, they can't think about anything else, it looks like the only that matters is The European Cup. If you have been watched TV lately this days, you can see how many information and shit are giving out about the Spanish team. HOLLY SHIT, every small detail about any player or team or whatsoever anything having to do with soccer. So in my opinion, is nice and amazing to watch and European cup where all the good teams are, and where I´m sure it´s going to be quality games, but we cannot forget that it's only an sport, and that's it.

dijous, 3 d’abril del 2008

I Hate

Everyone always talks about they likes, although I'm gonna talk about some issues I dislike so much, that I even hate:

- I hate TV news so much, because the news you can always see tradegies without feeling them. News are feed outrfrom the human tragedies, but the wrong thing is that they always show us only some points of view, The News aren't as object as they should be: For Example, sometimes there's a massive death of children in Africa, and the news spend at most, 20 minuts, however, if some crazy Spanish guy violent abuses of an emigrant, this goes out in the news for at least 18 weeks, WTF.