This goes for all those who think listening to the teenagers is worthless, well fuck you all.
I'm just about sick of miss valuing my opinions and telling me what to do or what not to do just because I'm not an adult yet. No fucking way dude, it doesn't work that way. I'm already seventeen turning eighteen, I understand I don't have any kind of experience in lot's of fields, but that doesn't mean any older guy is free to give me shitty opinions like if they were known truths. Yo, I may be young but still I have my own opinion,(very strong opinion by the way) and I made up my values and personal believes which I built over the years. My thoughts might be right or wrong but at least they are unique and they didn't come from nobody but me.
I'm always happy to follow wisdom advices and even to accept rules from people which I know I can really learn something, even if they are younger than me,I'm always open to hear suggestions without being prejudice In fact people who I respect are the people you have to listen from, no matter the age that's why it bothers me when some morons start complaining about how horrible teenagers are, how howful we are. Look bodi, I know there are a lot of young guys just like me that have a lot to learn and they don't have a sense of responsibilities and mature less, but that gets not even close to generalize by saying all teenagers are the same.For instance I know some of my classmates who are way more focus than their fathers and I also know a lot of students obiosly smarter than most grown-up mans. I wanna make clear We know how to tell the difference beetween wisdom and stupidity. Please, DO NOT EVER GENERALIZE.
I'm just about sick of those people all they like to do is generalize " Oh man A black random man just stole my purse, all black people do is steal" there are lot of situations which appear to that one, people use to generalize to much, they think they know everything about something just from an event that mostly is gonna happen once in their lives. Even if you get jack hundred times per day by a diferent black guy, you are not allowed to generalize and claim "All Black people do is rob". Generalitacions are mainly due to the differences within the countries and costums, religions or race. I'll guive you and example from each type of generalitazions that you could hear everyday.
Exemple 1: "French people are a natural romantic lovers" It's obviously a lie, there are french people who suck really hard when it comes to love and dating ...
Exemple 2: " The muslim religion is the worst of all of them because treats womans like slaves" This is the biggest lie I've ever heard, but lot's of people think it's true, even myself, I used to think it was true. The muslim reliogion is not the same in all the countries, depending the country the costums change. In the states the muslim religion is more free than the catholic here. Malcom x was Muslim, Classius Clay is still a Muslim. In the sacred book of Al Coran it doesn't say anything about the women condition. If in Marroco or Saudi Arabia women isn't free it's not because of the religion it's because of the culture of the countrie and the poverty, because in the states, the girls who are muslim, same religion as in Morocco, they are totally free to do whatever.
Exemple 3: "Black people are smellie" Totally wrong again, if some black people smell it's not cuz they are black or because they don't like to be clean, it's because they can't afford to take a shower every fucking day. Do yo think rich Black people like Obama or Morgan Freeman or William Smith don't like to stay clean? Do you think they smell?
Well I hope you don't, because if you do, it's a matter of time to blow your brain out of your head.
dilluns, 1 de desembre del 2008
diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2008
Movie review "Burn After Reading"
Burn After Reading is so far the funniest movie I've seen this year 2008. I recommend to all of you to watch it.
I was laughing my ass off the hole entire movie, not even joking. Man You've got George Clonie and Brad Pitt in the same movie, Clonie is like a fucking homeless or whatever and then you have Brad Pitt as a gey gym trainer doing the gay dance and everything. The directors are Joel and Ethan Coen, known for movies like Fargo or No Country for old man, Raising Arizona and many others crazy ass movies.
The movie starts with John Malcovich been demoted from the CIA. He has to life with his wife who is a very cold heart rich woman, always bussy and complaining 'bout his husbands attitude( he's an alcoholic). John Malcovich is writting his memoirs... and the plot starts to get twisted.
A five out of five starts movie
The movie starts with John Malcovich been demoted from the CIA. He has to life with his wife who is a very cold heart rich woman, always bussy and complaining 'bout his husbands attitude( he's an alcoholic). John Malcovich is writting his memoirs... and the plot starts to get twisted.
A five out of five starts movie
I knew this was going to happen
Here I am, it's almost midnight and I still have to make two more posts to this stupid blog plus I have to do my whole portfolio. I dunno why I always have to wait until the last moment to do all the work, I can't help it, it's how I am.
I don't really have a topic for this post, so I'm just going to wonder off.
Yesterday, Saturday, I was in Barcelona because I went to see my friend Alex, he used to live down here in Perelada but he moved about two years ago to Barcelona cuz his parents opened a business there or something like that. I like to spend some time in Barcelona, nice city, that's why I go at least once a month and I can sleep over my father's place. My parents are separated, I'm living here with my mother, and my father lives in Barcelona. So last Saturday evening I was going for a walk in Barcelona with Alex, just walking 'round, and there was a rally going on downtown. Catalunya Square was full of people complaining about G-20 and the crisis. I was very surprize because there were lot's of police all arround very good equiped with guns and all kind but it was a pacífic movement. I'm sure all this police create tensions and troubles to some people, that's why some pacífic ralies end up with fights beetween the police and the manifestants.
Another fact that atract my attention was the christmas lights. I like chirstmas lights they look nice on the strets and shops, but don't get me wrong, because I do know christmas light are totally a waste of energy. Pluguin low consume bulbs and making the enterprizes to pay for the ilumination makes christmas lights not as expensive as it used to be years ago.
I don't really have a topic for this post, so I'm just going to wonder off.
Yesterday, Saturday, I was in Barcelona because I went to see my friend Alex, he used to live down here in Perelada but he moved about two years ago to Barcelona cuz his parents opened a business there or something like that. I like to spend some time in Barcelona, nice city, that's why I go at least once a month and I can sleep over my father's place. My parents are separated, I'm living here with my mother, and my father lives in Barcelona. So last Saturday evening I was going for a walk in Barcelona with Alex, just walking 'round, and there was a rally going on downtown. Catalunya Square was full of people complaining about G-20 and the crisis. I was very surprize because there were lot's of police all arround very good equiped with guns and all kind but it was a pacífic movement. I'm sure all this police create tensions and troubles to some people, that's why some pacífic ralies end up with fights beetween the police and the manifestants.
Another fact that atract my attention was the christmas lights. I like chirstmas lights they look nice on the strets and shops, but don't get me wrong, because I do know christmas light are totally a waste of energy. Pluguin low consume bulbs and making the enterprizes to pay for the ilumination makes christmas lights not as expensive as it used to be years ago.
Obama is a joke: I was really mistaken ( as usual)
Oh man, I couldn't be more wrong...
Everyone was looking forward to Obama to win, even here in Spain some people were very passionated about Obama running to office.
The election day, the first Thursday after the first Monday of November, was like a celebration, Obama supporters were like criying and yelling, happynes was at the atmosphere. Most of the people think everything is going to change, to get better like if Obama were an angel who just fell from heaven.... whatever, stupid people can be found everywhere. The wear think is how Obama's way of talking makes people believe anything.
The other day I was re-watching some of the Obama spechees at the precidencial debates and I realize that besides John Mccain talking 'bout his impressive republican record, Obama as well as John Mccain were both defending the same issues, theirs ideology is pretty much the same. Both candidates were so incredible similar politicaly and both of them agreed in pretty much all the important issues. In fact the only big difference was the way of telling their policies. It was scary how many similiraties they had, god damn it. I don't ever wanna see two candidates agreen in a fucking debate, because when both candidates agree in something, that means they are the same shit, changes are not going to be made. In America it has been always like this, People don't vote for an ideology or a policy because the two parties are the same, instead they vote for a person or a personality, and in this election the face that has been more famous is Obama.Even when I strongly believe he's a better choice rather than Mccain, he does not deserve the ofice though, yet, neither does Mccain. Neither the candidate deserves to win, Obama is clever thogh and Mccain is too old.
We must not forguet Barack Obama does not stand for change, he repressents the same values and interests as Mccain, and anyone who doens't understand this because they believe in Obama (yes we can) is a moron. If Obama would stand for change how come he just nominee the same people as Clinton did years ago? If Obama would stand for change how come he just anunce another bail out plan for rich companies in crisis? Obama is not even close to change, but people believe him because is a very good layer, a very good politician. He almost made me believe everything was going to be ok. Obama is a poet, he talks so good that almost makes you swear everyword he says.... The truth is he's gonna say so many things during his term, and you would believe it.
That's what scarys me the most, Obama is the only politician who you can't tell when he's laying. There were some moments, when I was wacthing the debate, that I forgot that he was a fucking liar, he speeks so well, that I forgot that he is paid to lie.
Everyone was looking forward to Obama to win, even here in Spain some people were very passionated about Obama running to office.
The election day, the first Thursday after the first Monday of November, was like a celebration, Obama supporters were like criying and yelling, happynes was at the atmosphere. Most of the people think everything is going to change, to get better like if Obama were an angel who just fell from heaven.... whatever, stupid people can be found everywhere. The wear think is how Obama's way of talking makes people believe anything.
The other day I was re-watching some of the Obama spechees at the precidencial debates and I realize that besides John Mccain talking 'bout his impressive republican record, Obama as well as John Mccain were both defending the same issues, theirs ideology is pretty much the same. Both candidates were so incredible similar politicaly and both of them agreed in pretty much all the important issues. In fact the only big difference was the way of telling their policies. It was scary how many similiraties they had, god damn it. I don't ever wanna see two candidates agreen in a fucking debate, because when both candidates agree in something, that means they are the same shit, changes are not going to be made. In America it has been always like this, People don't vote for an ideology or a policy because the two parties are the same, instead they vote for a person or a personality, and in this election the face that has been more famous is Obama.Even when I strongly believe he's a better choice rather than Mccain, he does not deserve the ofice though, yet, neither does Mccain. Neither the candidate deserves to win, Obama is clever thogh and Mccain is too old.
We must not forguet Barack Obama does not stand for change, he repressents the same values and interests as Mccain, and anyone who doens't understand this because they believe in Obama (yes we can) is a moron. If Obama would stand for change how come he just nominee the same people as Clinton did years ago? If Obama would stand for change how come he just anunce another bail out plan for rich companies in crisis? Obama is not even close to change, but people believe him because is a very good layer, a very good politician. He almost made me believe everything was going to be ok. Obama is a poet, he talks so good that almost makes you swear everyword he says.... The truth is he's gonna say so many things during his term, and you would believe it.
That's what scarys me the most, Obama is the only politician who you can't tell when he's laying. There were some moments, when I was wacthing the debate, that I forgot that he was a fucking liar, he speeks so well, that I forgot that he is paid to lie.
dimarts, 18 de novembre del 2008
Moob Deep, A real raper....
"Shook Ones Pt. II"
Word up son, word
yeah, to all the killers and a hundred dollar billas
(yo I got the phone thing, knowmsayin', keep your eyes open)
for real niggas who ain't got no feelings
(keep your eyes open)
(no doubt, no doubt son, I got this, I got this)
(just watch my back, I got this first, yo)
check it out now
(word up, say it to them niggas, check this out it's a murda)
I got you stuck off the realness, we be the infamous
you heard of us
official Queensbridge murderers
the Mobb comes equipped with warfare, beware
of my crime family who got nuff shots to share
for all of those who wanna profile and pose
rock you in your face, stab your brain wit' your nosebone
you all alone in these streets, cousin
every man for theirself in this land we be gunnin'
and keep them shook crews runnin'
like they supposed to
they come around but they never come close to
I can see it inside your face
you're in the wrong place
cowards like you just get they're whole body laced up
with bullet holes and such
speak the wrong words man and you will get touched
you can put your whole army against my team and
I guarantee you it'll be your very last time breathin'
your simple words just don't move me
you're minor, we're major
you all up in the game and don't deserve to be a player
don't make me have to call your name out
your crew is featherweight
my gunshots'll make you levitate
I'm only nineteen but my mind is old
and when the things get for real my warm heart turns cold
another nigga deceased, another story gets told
it ain't nothin' really
hey, yo dun spark the Phillie
so I can get my mind off these yellowbacked niggas
why they still alive I don't know, go figure
meanwhile back in Queens the realness is foundation
if I die I couldn't choose a better location
when the slugs penetrate you feel a burning sensation
getting closer to God in a tight situation
now, take these words home and think it through
or the next rhyme I write might be about you
Son, they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death, scared to look
they shook
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death, scared to look
livin' the live that of diamonds and guns
there's numerous ways you can choose to earn funds...earn funds
some of 'em get shot, locked down and turn nuns
cowardly hearts end straight up shook ones...shook ones
he ain't a crook son, he's just a shook one...shook one
For every rhyme I write, its 25 to life
yo, it's a must the gats we trust safeguardin' my life
ain't no time for hesitation
that only leads to incarceration
you don't know me, there's no relation
Queensbridge niggas don't play
I don't got time for your petty thinking mind
son, I'm bigga than those claimin' that you pack heat
but you're scared to hold
and when the smoke clears you'll be left with one in your dome
13 years in the projects, my mentality is what, kid
you talk a good one but you don't want it
sometimes I wonder do I deserve to live
or am I going to burn in hell for all the things I did
no time to dwell on that 'cause my brain reacts
front if you want kid, lay on your back
I don't fake jacks kid, you know I bring it to you live
stay in a child's place, kid you out o' line
criminal minds thirsty for recognition
I'm sippin' E&J, got my mind flippin'
I'm buggin' think I'm how bizar to hold my hustlin'
get that loot kid, you know my function
cause long as I'm alive I'ma live illegal
and once I get on I'ma put on, on my people
react mix to lyrics like Macs I hit your dome up
when I roll up, don't be caught sleepin'
cause I'm creepin'
Son, they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death and scared to look
(he's just a shook one)
they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death and scared to look
(we live the live that of diamonds)
they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death and scared to look
they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks, crooks..
livin' the live that of diamonds and guns
there's numerous ways you can choose to earn funds...earn funds
but some of 'em get shot, locked down and turn nuns
cowardly hearts end straight up shook ones...shook ones
he ain't a crook son, he's just a shook one...shook one
Yeah, yeah, yeah
To all the villains and a hundred dollar billas
To real brothers who ain't got no dealings
G-yeah, the whole Bridge, Queens get the money
41st side (he's just a shook one)
keepin' it real (you know)
Queens get the money...
[Talk fades out]
Word up son, word
yeah, to all the killers and a hundred dollar billas
(yo I got the phone thing, knowmsayin', keep your eyes open)
for real niggas who ain't got no feelings
(keep your eyes open)
(no doubt, no doubt son, I got this, I got this)
(just watch my back, I got this first, yo)
check it out now
(word up, say it to them niggas, check this out it's a murda)
I got you stuck off the realness, we be the infamous
you heard of us
official Queensbridge murderers
the Mobb comes equipped with warfare, beware
of my crime family who got nuff shots to share
for all of those who wanna profile and pose
rock you in your face, stab your brain wit' your nosebone
you all alone in these streets, cousin
every man for theirself in this land we be gunnin'
and keep them shook crews runnin'
like they supposed to
they come around but they never come close to
I can see it inside your face
you're in the wrong place
cowards like you just get they're whole body laced up
with bullet holes and such
speak the wrong words man and you will get touched
you can put your whole army against my team and
I guarantee you it'll be your very last time breathin'
your simple words just don't move me
you're minor, we're major
you all up in the game and don't deserve to be a player
don't make me have to call your name out
your crew is featherweight
my gunshots'll make you levitate
I'm only nineteen but my mind is old
and when the things get for real my warm heart turns cold
another nigga deceased, another story gets told
it ain't nothin' really
hey, yo dun spark the Phillie
so I can get my mind off these yellowbacked niggas
why they still alive I don't know, go figure
meanwhile back in Queens the realness is foundation
if I die I couldn't choose a better location
when the slugs penetrate you feel a burning sensation
getting closer to God in a tight situation
now, take these words home and think it through
or the next rhyme I write might be about you
Son, they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death, scared to look
they shook
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death, scared to look
livin' the live that of diamonds and guns
there's numerous ways you can choose to earn funds...earn funds
some of 'em get shot, locked down and turn nuns
cowardly hearts end straight up shook ones...shook ones
he ain't a crook son, he's just a shook one...shook one
For every rhyme I write, its 25 to life
yo, it's a must the gats we trust safeguardin' my life
ain't no time for hesitation
that only leads to incarceration
you don't know me, there's no relation
Queensbridge niggas don't play
I don't got time for your petty thinking mind
son, I'm bigga than those claimin' that you pack heat
but you're scared to hold
and when the smoke clears you'll be left with one in your dome
13 years in the projects, my mentality is what, kid
you talk a good one but you don't want it
sometimes I wonder do I deserve to live
or am I going to burn in hell for all the things I did
no time to dwell on that 'cause my brain reacts
front if you want kid, lay on your back
I don't fake jacks kid, you know I bring it to you live
stay in a child's place, kid you out o' line
criminal minds thirsty for recognition
I'm sippin' E&J, got my mind flippin'
I'm buggin' think I'm how bizar to hold my hustlin'
get that loot kid, you know my function
cause long as I'm alive I'ma live illegal
and once I get on I'ma put on, on my people
react mix to lyrics like Macs I hit your dome up
when I roll up, don't be caught sleepin'
cause I'm creepin'
Son, they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death and scared to look
(he's just a shook one)
they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death and scared to look
(we live the live that of diamonds)
they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks
scared to death and scared to look
they shook...
'cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks, crooks..
livin' the live that of diamonds and guns
there's numerous ways you can choose to earn funds...earn funds
but some of 'em get shot, locked down and turn nuns
cowardly hearts end straight up shook ones...shook ones
he ain't a crook son, he's just a shook one...shook one
Yeah, yeah, yeah
To all the villains and a hundred dollar billas
To real brothers who ain't got no dealings
G-yeah, the whole Bridge, Queens get the money
41st side (he's just a shook one)
keepin' it real (you know)
Queens get the money...
[Talk fades out]
This is probably going to be my most important blog entry of this trimester. Since I'm very concerned about this issue I want to make sure everyone understands correctly and no one misunderstands me.
Do you have any idea what a Talker is ? You don't right ? I'll give you the official most precise and accurate uncensored definition so next time you see one you'll be able to beat the crap out of him.
TALKER noun, person: talker is an adjective refer to that asshole you could find at any situation through your life. Is that motherfucker who you will recognize only by his way of talking shit all the time.
Ex: Oh! Man, does he ever shut up? He has been talking nonsense for almost half an hour, what a Talker!!!!!
Ex2: He has spoken without believing his own words, he's definitely a talker.
It's a fact, whenever you go, whichever the situation, there is always that guy speaking out loud his thoughts like if the rest of the people gives a shit about any of his bullshit. Talkers like to use big expressions in other claim they are right, but they are just talkers they don't do shit. They are not for real, that's why I hate them, I'll shoot them all, they never do what they say. You can't trust them cuz they have no word.
Be aware of talkers...
Do you have any idea what a Talker is ? You don't right ? I'll give you the official most precise and accurate uncensored definition so next time you see one you'll be able to beat the crap out of him.
TALKER noun, person: talker is an adjective refer to that asshole you could find at any situation through your life. Is that motherfucker who you will recognize only by his way of talking shit all the time.
Ex: Oh! Man, does he ever shut up? He has been talking nonsense for almost half an hour, what a Talker!!!!!
Ex2: He has spoken without believing his own words, he's definitely a talker.
It's a fact, whenever you go, whichever the situation, there is always that guy speaking out loud his thoughts like if the rest of the people gives a shit about any of his bullshit. Talkers like to use big expressions in other claim they are right, but they are just talkers they don't do shit. They are not for real, that's why I hate them, I'll shoot them all, they never do what they say. You can't trust them cuz they have no word.
Be aware of talkers...
diumenge, 19 d’octubre del 2008
After a long brake, my first entrace and already "Can't take it no more"
Here we go again.
Folks, I'm sitting here tonight writing my first entrance , it's been a while and it looks to me it's going to be a long and tough school year...
Well, right after my small introduction I wanna start with some important stuff already. I've decided that I would like to do a special type of entrance, feature, so once in a while through the year you people are getting an entrance from me called 'Can't take it no more' or 'Just about sick'. Basically this is gonna be an amount of short opinion statements of some specific issues I disagree with, putting all together in other to create and entrance. Today I'm starting with that so you figure out how it works.
_I'm just about sick about people complaining about the financial crisis and trying to find someone to blame, when all the economist have already said we live in a faulty system, so is also our fault, we had it coming. What's going on right now is not only because some people down in California decided to borrow lot's of money to buy all kind of stuff they could not afford, it ain't true either the idea most people have about corruption and shit. The answer is that there is not an easy answer, the crisis comes from way back,all this struggle is due to a problems on the roots of neoloiberalism and free market itself. People are just stupid enough to believe what they are told, here in Spain, everyone is complaining about the salaries, jobs, houses, but they noone wants to accept changes, noone is willing to make sacrifices. There is crisis but people here still are with the same, not realizing all this is a little bit of our fault. Until now we have been living unconscienstly. I think now it's time for us to start searching for some way out fof here instead of just pointing fingers at each other, we have to work as a one, starting with the political groups in the first place, which all they do is argue, useless,now is when politicians, who loves to talk, have to prove they can put their differents besides, away and work and invent
something out for rising the country. Like the nobel prize of economics points out, we have to focus more on how this happened from the beguinning and stop trying to get an easy targuet because this crisis goes very deep and it's way more complicated than it looks like. So people have to stop guiven opinion about stuff they don't know shit, starting with me, let that to the economist, what matters is how it's gonna affects our real life. So all the stupid morons who talk and cry about crisis without knowing what the fuck it is, and acting like preps, please shut the hell up, knock it off, be responsable for once and act properly according to the circumnstances, fuck damn it, CAN'T TAKE IT NO MORE
Folks, I'm sitting here tonight writing my first entrance , it's been a while and it looks to me it's going to be a long and tough school year...
Well, right after my small introduction I wanna start with some important stuff already. I've decided that I would like to do a special type of entrance, feature, so once in a while through the year you people are getting an entrance from me called 'Can't take it no more' or 'Just about sick'. Basically this is gonna be an amount of short opinion statements of some specific issues I disagree with, putting all together in other to create and entrance. Today I'm starting with that so you figure out how it works.
_I'm just about sick about people complaining about the financial crisis and trying to find someone to blame, when all the economist have already said we live in a faulty system, so is also our fault, we had it coming. What's going on right now is not only because some people down in California decided to borrow lot's of money to buy all kind of stuff they could not afford, it ain't true either the idea most people have about corruption and shit. The answer is that there is not an easy answer, the crisis comes from way back,all this struggle is due to a problems on the roots of neoloiberalism and free market itself. People are just stupid enough to believe what they are told, here in Spain, everyone is complaining about the salaries, jobs, houses, but they noone wants to accept changes, noone is willing to make sacrifices. There is crisis but people here still are with the same, not realizing all this is a little bit of our fault. Until now we have been living unconscienstly. I think now it's time for us to start searching for some way out fof here instead of just pointing fingers at each other, we have to work as a one, starting with the political groups in the first place, which all they do is argue, useless,now is when politicians, who loves to talk, have to prove they can put their differents besides, away and work and invent
something out for rising the country. Like the nobel prize of economics points out, we have to focus more on how this happened from the beguinning and stop trying to get an easy targuet because this crisis goes very deep and it's way more complicated than it looks like. So people have to stop guiven opinion about stuff they don't know shit, starting with me, let that to the economist, what matters is how it's gonna affects our real life. So all the stupid morons who talk and cry about crisis without knowing what the fuck it is, and acting like preps, please shut the hell up, knock it off, be responsable for once and act properly according to the circumnstances, fuck damn it, CAN'T TAKE IT NO MORE
_I Can't take no more bad comedies and action movies, I don't know it it happens to you to, but it's cripping me out that when I go to the movies 9 times out of 10 the movie sucks and you can see the entire plot comming. I now it's hard to rate movies, because everyone has differents likes and shit, but still I think we deserve a better plots, better movies in fact. I can't help to feel very dissapointed whenever I see a movie that looks to me like the same typical stupid as american comedy, where boy meets girl and girl fells for the boy, and so on and so on. I 'm just about sick of enterteinment movies, because I don't wanna fucking watch a good movie, I reclaimed good movies, I demand movies like before, old school, fuck Adam Samyer, who cares about Jenifer Aliston, I don't wanna see more wus movies with the same crappy actors and completely dumb plots. FUCK IT, CAN'T TAKE IT NO MORE.
_It's freaking me out all the movies, books, articles, reports, news, diaries, about the jew victims in the concentration camps back in world war two, all this media acts as a whole and every year it make us, everyone, remember, we have to fucking remeber what happened by the hands of the nazis. I know it was very wrong, I mean everyone has agreed and has penalized all kinds of anti- sionic actions, and right know only some small and marginated group of nazis still believe in concentration camps. What I'm talking about, and what fucking bothers me the the most is this fucking monopoly jews have over our daily media, every fucking year comes a new movie or book that explains to us what everyones knows, even the less informated motherfucker knows the pain and terror that jew have suffered over the 20th century. WE KNOW IT. But what we don't know is what the fuck is going on down in middle east asia, where are the palestinian rights, who's doing a genocide now fucking israelians?, who has one of the largest armies in the world, who has a nuclear weapons arsenal? Israel Gues what, Israel has every right to have nuclear power, but when Iran starts investigating with the same nuclear power, every rich couintry is scaring the fuck out and they start talking about terrorist and human rights in Iran... up yours.... that's what I think about your stupid human rights. Because of the human rights the States invaded Irak, because of human rights, ONU bombed the caucass, there has been lot's of human atrocyties covered by the excuse of human rights. And now lets get back to my point. So meanwhile the media wants us to believe that Israel always has been and always will be the most indefence and hated country, the troops of Israel soported and allowed by the United States and many other countries, have been doing real terrorism, state terrorism, killing innocent people, skiping the legitim borders, bloquing Gaza, and don't letting no one to help palestinians. SHAME ON US FOR ALLOWING IT.
It cannot be compensated, the past of pain for the jews that we always see in the movies cannot compensate the legal genocide it's going on in Palestine promoted by foreing interests such us oil, estrategical occupations, military bases.
So to end up, I CAN'T TAKE NO MORE the fact of millions and millions of dollars as an investment on the media to produce a quote of movies envolving jews, when that money could be spent in produccing movies in which people could learn about thinks they don't now. I would like to see a movie about all the killings have been taking place in africa for the last century, I would like also to see a documentary about what are the truth about native people in america, or the conditions in Xina, or more movies about injustices that have happened and are happening all over the world and wich I don't know anything because they don't want us to know.
diumenge, 8 de juny del 2008
I sintetize the history of my favourite raper
Here is a summary of 2pac's life and death: When Tupac was born on June 16th, 1971 his mom, a member of the Black Panthers was in jail for bombing. When they got out 2pac's family went to Harlem, where his mother began using crack. She sent 2Pac to the baltimore school of performing arts, where he wrote his first raps under the name MC New York. He than moved to Cali and helped Digital Underground. His first Solo album was called 2Pacalypse now. This album included hits like Trapped and Brenda's Got a Baby. It also had some cop and government dissin lyrics which cause Dan Quayle to use the album as an example of rap that should be outlawed. 2Pac came back with more of the same on Strictly For My Niggaz. Some people said that it was a bad album, but I think that 2pac was experimenting with the new sound that he used for the rest of his career. 2Pacalypse Now sounds completely different from the rest of his CDs. If ya look at the thanks on Strictly For My Niggaz, you can see what 2pac thinks of Dan Quayle. He was arrested for shooting at a cop that was abusing a black man but charges were dropped. He also starred in Juice, Poetic Justice and Above The Rim. He than made a CD with a group called Thug Life consisting of 2pac, Syke, Macadoshis, Mopreme, and The Rated R. Soon after, he was shot in NY after entering a building. The security guards who shot him sent him on an elevator to Biggie Smallz and Puffy Combs. The police came and he left the hospital before he was supposed to. Rumors that he lost a testicle in the shooting are completely untrue. Later he was convicted of rape. Although i don't approve of rape, this charge was just shit.2Pac was in a club when he met a woman, who was dancing with him. She seduced him by sucking his dick on the dance floor. They went to the hotel and fucked. The next day she said she wanted to see Pac again so they went to the hotel. While they were in there room a few of Pac's friends came in and raped her while Pac tried to stop them. She just tried to accuse Pac also because he was the rich one. 2Pac's third solo album, me against the world, showed a much more mature 2pac and had a lot of sad songs from the depressed stage in 2pac's life. After 8 months in jail Suge bailed him out. He put out a double CD called All Eyez On Me which was his best selling CD. He also starred in Gridlockd and Gang Related which will be out this summer. On September 7th 1996 he went to a Tyson Fight with Suge. He saw Orlando Anderson AKA Baby Lane, a crip who had tried to snatch 2pac's death row chain once. Suge and 2pac's bodyguards beat baby lanes ass. After leaving the fight they were on their way to Suge's club, Club 662. Pac stuck his head out of the sun roof to talk to some girls and was shot from the side. 12 bullets hit the car, 4 hit Pac.Suge turned the car around and brought Pac to a hospital. Tupac had to have a lung removed, but 7 days later on September 13th 1996 at 4:03 PM, 2Pac d
Great soundtracks My Top ten soundtrack
What will be a movie without music? Nuthing, all the good movies have great soundtracks, or I better say that a good soundtrack makes a good movie. Here I've decided my list of my top ten soundtracks, I hope you'll liked:
-Number ten will be the soundtrack of Pirates of the Caribean, the movie is good enough but the music is amazing. (Klaus Badelt)
-Number nine is for sure, and without doubt, the soundtrack of the movie Gladiator, one of my favorite movies which I has watched thousands of times I just love the movie. If you have never watched Gladiator, I think it's time to you to go and check it out. (Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerard)
- Number eight it's gotta be Star Wars, especially the old ones, I don't like the new movies of star wars, I'd rather watch the old ones, which are amazing.(John Williams)
-Number seven is reserved for a very old movie, Modern Times, directed, staring and music from Charlie Chaplin, most known as Charlot. I want to honor him, the genius of the cinema, all his movies were very perfect.
-In Number 6 we have also got an old movie, but this time ain't a comedy, the other way around, and scary movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock and the music belongs to Bernard Hermann: Psycho. I guess many of you know about this movie rather because you've seen it or maybe because you had heart about it from someone. The music it's very scary.
-Vangelis composed an amazing soundtrack for the classic Blade Runner, which will be the number 5 soundtrack on my list.
-In Number 4 we have the soundtrack for the Movie, Forest Gump( Alan Silvester)
- The Lord of the rings, will be number 3, music by Howard Shore, the movie is very good, but the book is even better.
- The Good The Bad and The Ugly, is such a terrific classic, is the best western I've ever seen, I recommend it to anyone who knows how to appreciate a good western, and we have to thanks Ennio Monrricone for giving as the soundtrack, since Ennio was the composer of this movie as well as other hundreds of classics. Ennio Monrricone is considered the best composer of the hole history of hollywood.
-My top soundtrack belongs to The Godfather I don't know why I like the music so much, maybe cuz is my favourite movie, but the think is that I can't stop listening to the movie themes.
The movie has a cast as good as Al Pacino, Marlo Brando, Robert de Niro. The music comes from a master, Nino Rota
-Number ten will be the soundtrack of Pirates of the Caribean, the movie is good enough but the music is amazing. (Klaus Badelt)
-Number nine is for sure, and without doubt, the soundtrack of the movie Gladiator, one of my favorite movies which I has watched thousands of times I just love the movie. If you have never watched Gladiator, I think it's time to you to go and check it out. (Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerard)
- Number eight it's gotta be Star Wars, especially the old ones, I don't like the new movies of star wars, I'd rather watch the old ones, which are amazing.(John Williams)
-Number seven is reserved for a very old movie, Modern Times, directed, staring and music from Charlie Chaplin, most known as Charlot. I want to honor him, the genius of the cinema, all his movies were very perfect.
-In Number 6 we have also got an old movie, but this time ain't a comedy, the other way around, and scary movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock and the music belongs to Bernard Hermann: Psycho. I guess many of you know about this movie rather because you've seen it or maybe because you had heart about it from someone. The music it's very scary.
-Vangelis composed an amazing soundtrack for the classic Blade Runner, which will be the number 5 soundtrack on my list.
-In Number 4 we have the soundtrack for the Movie, Forest Gump( Alan Silvester)
- The Lord of the rings, will be number 3, music by Howard Shore, the movie is very good, but the book is even better.
- The Good The Bad and The Ugly, is such a terrific classic, is the best western I've ever seen, I recommend it to anyone who knows how to appreciate a good western, and we have to thanks Ennio Monrricone for giving as the soundtrack, since Ennio was the composer of this movie as well as other hundreds of classics. Ennio Monrricone is considered the best composer of the hole history of hollywood.
-My top soundtrack belongs to The Godfather I don't know why I like the music so much, maybe cuz is my favourite movie, but the think is that I can't stop listening to the movie themes.
The movie has a cast as good as Al Pacino, Marlo Brando, Robert de Niro. The music comes from a master, Nino Rota
dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2008
Obama has broken with the truth
Lately sen. Barack Obama had to face another crisis: Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright is the reverend on the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago, the Obama's church. Barack Obama was forced to distance himself three months from his former pastor and religious mentor, because Jeremiah Wright made some strong radical declaration about racism and terrorism on USA, so Obama who didn't want to get in trouble had get public the end of his relation with the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago and consequently the end of his relationship with reverend Jeremiah Wright.
Here I'll show which were the radical declarations from the reverend Jeremiah Wright:
"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," he said in a sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."
"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost,"
Unfortunately what the Rev. said is correct. People might disagree on his delivery but he has just said what the rest of the world already knows about the US. Its time for the US to lead by example instead of bullying.Saying love it or leave it is a cowards way out.... a real patriot will fight to fix what is wrong in his country instead of rolling over an accepting!
I think Obama has broken with his past, the decision he made by leaving the church and breaking his friendship with the reverend is such a coward action, Obama has just shown that he doesn't have any kind of morals or values, he only wants to became president at any price, no matter what he had think or had done, now the importance is to not get in trouble.
Here I'll show which were the radical declarations from the reverend Jeremiah Wright:
"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people," he said in a sermon. "God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme."
"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost,"
Unfortunately what the Rev. said is correct. People might disagree on his delivery but he has just said what the rest of the world already knows about the US. Its time for the US to lead by example instead of bullying.Saying love it or leave it is a cowards way out.... a real patriot will fight to fix what is wrong in his country instead of rolling over an accepting!
I think Obama has broken with his past, the decision he made by leaving the church and breaking his friendship with the reverend is such a coward action, Obama has just shown that he doesn't have any kind of morals or values, he only wants to became president at any price, no matter what he had think or had done, now the importance is to not get in trouble.
dimarts, 8 d’abril del 2008
My top 5 (Part two) 2007
I've decided to make a list from the 2007 movies.
Number 2 on my list is the first true western in quite some time, 3:10 to Yuma, staring Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, and a bunch of others famous actors. The movie was fucking amazing, and not just because it was a Western, I would like any western but this was an actual very good done movie, Russell Crowe character was well developed and the plot was surprising.
The number 1 movie on my list is a movie that I really recommend to you, after all is my favorite movie from 2007. This is one of the fimls I think is a perfect ten. This movie starts off very slow but it builds until eventually, without you even realize, the movie gets very intense and you are wondering what's going to happen. This film doesn't have a traditional structure, it has not the usual good guy or the bad guy in the movie, it's just a series of events related to each other until the melting point when the movie explotes to end up with one of the best endings I have ever seen, the last 15 minutes from the movie are just pulse raising . The name of the movie is There Will Be Blood, is not just the best movie of 2007, it's also one of the best movies of all time, and I've seen a lot of movies from a lot of different eras so I can make that declaration.
Number 2 on my list is the first true western in quite some time, 3:10 to Yuma, staring Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, and a bunch of others famous actors. The movie was fucking amazing, and not just because it was a Western, I would like any western but this was an actual very good done movie, Russell Crowe character was well developed and the plot was surprising.
The number 1 movie on my list is a movie that I really recommend to you, after all is my favorite movie from 2007. This is one of the fimls I think is a perfect ten. This movie starts off very slow but it builds until eventually, without you even realize, the movie gets very intense and you are wondering what's going to happen. This film doesn't have a traditional structure, it has not the usual good guy or the bad guy in the movie, it's just a series of events related to each other until the melting point when the movie explotes to end up with one of the best endings I have ever seen, the last 15 minutes from the movie are just pulse raising . The name of the movie is There Will Be Blood, is not just the best movie of 2007, it's also one of the best movies of all time, and I've seen a lot of movies from a lot of different eras so I can make that declaration.
dilluns, 7 d’abril del 2008
My top 5 (Part one) 2007
I was going to make a text about how everything is hopeless and every year is exactly the same so there's no reason thinks will change to better, but that seems depressing so I decided to write about something less depressing than the real situation> the movies.
I'm not a movie expert because I don't really know the names of any directors or cinematographers or screenwriters, I just like movies, I pretty much see one or two movies a week. I watch any kinds of movies from the independents ones up to the more commercial ones, so I decided to compile a list of my top five movies from 2007. I've tried to make a list once before but it took to long so this time I'm not even gonna bother trying to explain every movie perfectly.
The number 5 movie is knocked up, the reason I like this movie was probably because It was god dam surprising to me when I went throw with it. I thought the movie will be just another kind of cheap American stupid ass comedy, but I end up wacthing a movie with a interesting plot, developed characters, and overall it was hilarious.
My number 4 movie from my top ten 2007 list is a movie that probably many of you haven't seen, I have not heard anyone talking or discussing about it, but it is one of the best movies anyway . The name is Turtles can Fly, is an Iraqi and Iranian film. Turtles can fly is an story set in a Kurdish refugee camp on the Iraqi-Turkish border on the eve of the US invasion of Iraq, In the refugee there are lot's of orphan children who's lives aren't easy, they have to clean up the minefields in order to survive.
Number 3 is the Simpsons movie, I didn't want to put this in my list because it sounds corny to have a movie based on a still running TV show which has really lost the relevance, but this movie was pretty fucking good. Even though the show is lousy this days,the movie is really good with really god jokes. It was maybe not as good as it could it been, but you can say that with any adaptation to the big screen. The movie was really successful and the producers seem to understand how to make the humor work in a 90 minuts format versus the 30 minuts format from the show.
I'm not a movie expert because I don't really know the names of any directors or cinematographers or screenwriters, I just like movies, I pretty much see one or two movies a week. I watch any kinds of movies from the independents ones up to the more commercial ones, so I decided to compile a list of my top five movies from 2007. I've tried to make a list once before but it took to long so this time I'm not even gonna bother trying to explain every movie perfectly.
The number 5 movie is knocked up, the reason I like this movie was probably because It was god dam surprising to me when I went throw with it. I thought the movie will be just another kind of cheap American stupid ass comedy, but I end up wacthing a movie with a interesting plot, developed characters, and overall it was hilarious.
My number 4 movie from my top ten 2007 list is a movie that probably many of you haven't seen, I have not heard anyone talking or discussing about it, but it is one of the best movies anyway . The name is Turtles can Fly, is an Iraqi and Iranian film. Turtles can fly is an story set in a Kurdish refugee camp on the Iraqi-Turkish border on the eve of the US invasion of Iraq, In the refugee there are lot's of orphan children who's lives aren't easy, they have to clean up the minefields in order to survive.
Number 3 is the Simpsons movie, I didn't want to put this in my list because it sounds corny to have a movie based on a still running TV show which has really lost the relevance, but this movie was pretty fucking good. Even though the show is lousy this days,the movie is really good with really god jokes. It was maybe not as good as it could it been, but you can say that with any adaptation to the big screen. The movie was really successful and the producers seem to understand how to make the humor work in a 90 minuts format versus the 30 minuts format from the show.
divendres, 4 d’abril del 2008
About soccer
First off I want a clear that I am a really soccer fan, I really enjoy watching soccer games on TV, and usually I never miss to watch a match. I understand soccer teams can be really important to the people until the point some people's life are directly related to their teams, in my case I'm not that fanatic, I just love to spend some time watching my favorite team: Sevilla football club, instead of waste my time watching crappy tv shows or bad movies.
As I said before, even though I don't play soccer, I have always like to watch it, but nowadays, with the European Cup coming up, I am starting to realize that maybe to much relevance is being giving to Spain National team. A lot of people are expecting Spain to win so badly, they can't think about anything else, it looks like the only that matters is The European Cup. If you have been watched TV lately this days, you can see how many information and shit are giving out about the Spanish team. HOLLY SHIT, every small detail about any player or team or whatsoever anything having to do with soccer. So in my opinion, is nice and amazing to watch and European cup where all the good teams are, and where I´m sure it´s going to be quality games, but we cannot forget that it's only an sport, and that's it.
As I said before, even though I don't play soccer, I have always like to watch it, but nowadays, with the European Cup coming up, I am starting to realize that maybe to much relevance is being giving to Spain National team. A lot of people are expecting Spain to win so badly, they can't think about anything else, it looks like the only that matters is The European Cup. If you have been watched TV lately this days, you can see how many information and shit are giving out about the Spanish team. HOLLY SHIT, every small detail about any player or team or whatsoever anything having to do with soccer. So in my opinion, is nice and amazing to watch and European cup where all the good teams are, and where I´m sure it´s going to be quality games, but we cannot forget that it's only an sport, and that's it.
dijous, 3 d’abril del 2008
I Hate
Everyone always talks about they likes, although I'm gonna talk about some issues I dislike so much, that I even hate:
- I hate TV news so much, because the news you can always see tradegies without feeling them. News are feed outrfrom the human tragedies, but the wrong thing is that they always show us only some points of view, The News aren't as object as they should be: For Example, sometimes there's a massive death of children in Africa, and the news spend at most, 20 minuts, however, if some crazy Spanish guy violent abuses of an emigrant, this goes out in the news for at least 18 weeks, WTF.
- I hate TV news so much, because the news you can always see tradegies without feeling them. News are feed outrfrom the human tragedies, but the wrong thing is that they always show us only some points of view, The News aren't as object as they should be: For Example, sometimes there's a massive death of children in Africa, and the news spend at most, 20 minuts, however, if some crazy Spanish guy violent abuses of an emigrant, this goes out in the news for at least 18 weeks, WTF.
diumenge, 23 de març del 2008
The book I have chosen
Since we must chose an English book for the last term, I have chosen the book The Autobiography of Malcolm x. It's a really interesting book about the life of Malcolm X
So far I like the book, and the vocabulary isn't too hard, sometimes I have to check some words on the dictionary though, but that doesn't bother me at all.
Actually this it's gonna be the first time I've never read a voluntary English book, voluntary only means not a school book.
Malcolm X has been the main refereence or those who having fighting for the afro-American people's rights. Despiting the strength of his believe, because he was a Muslim, that was his personal values, between him and the god in whom he believed. Malcolm X considered himself as a black nationalist freedom fighter, he didn't support neither the republicans or the democrats, cuz he knew both of those groups had never supported the afro-American cause. He had so many quality's as a speaker, as a leader, he always believed in his cause. Overall Malcom X was a really concern man, we need more mans like him nowadays.
So far I like the book, and the vocabulary isn't too hard, sometimes I have to check some words on the dictionary though, but that doesn't bother me at all.
Actually this it's gonna be the first time I've never read a voluntary English book, voluntary only means not a school book.
Malcolm X has been the main refereence or those who having fighting for the afro-American people's rights. Despiting the strength of his believe, because he was a Muslim, that was his personal values, between him and the god in whom he believed. Malcolm X considered himself as a black nationalist freedom fighter, he didn't support neither the republicans or the democrats, cuz he knew both of those groups had never supported the afro-American cause. He had so many quality's as a speaker, as a leader, he always believed in his cause. Overall Malcom X was a really concern man, we need more mans like him nowadays.
dijous, 20 de març del 2008
Iraqi War five years later: 2008 end of the ocupation?
Five years ago, as you now, the US began bombing Baghdad. The invasion was on. Six weeks later, President Bush stood under a banner reading “Mission Accomplished” and declared an end to major military combat operations in Iraq. Now, half a decade later, the war continues with no end in sight, even worst, Iraqi people are suffering more violence now than five years ago.
In a next speech, I'm sure the President will again give an upbeat assessment of the war.
So, right now the situation of Iraq is getting worse and worse, the war has been an unmitigated disaster. Up to one million Iraqis have been killed. Up to 2.5 million people are estimated to be displaced inside Iraq, and more than two million have moved to neighboring countries. Meanwhile, nearly 4,000 US soldiers have been killed and tens of thousands more wounded.
Overall the Iraqi war brings all types of problems for the Iraqis as well as for the American soldiers, such of death, injury, poverty, ....
Anyway, now in the States, people are starting to realize that the Iraqi War was a mistake, and also they are realizing Iraq occupation has to end right the way. Why does it look like it might be the year of the end of Iraq War? Because citiciens have listened to the trickery, and the lies, and the false promises of the white house for too long, and they're fed up. And in 2008, it seems to be the year, because what can the republicans use now to fool americans?, nuthin, americans see all through now. They have been ralling this past months, some of the most powerful voices against the war have been the men and women who have fought in it, few of them are even Republicans, That's means that Iraqi war has become the main enemy, whether you are Repulican, Democrat, whether you are cristian, atheius, Iraqi war is consider wrong, so , I'm almost sure that 2008 will be year when the Iraqi occupation must end.
In a next speech, I'm sure the President will again give an upbeat assessment of the war.
So, right now the situation of Iraq is getting worse and worse, the war has been an unmitigated disaster. Up to one million Iraqis have been killed. Up to 2.5 million people are estimated to be displaced inside Iraq, and more than two million have moved to neighboring countries. Meanwhile, nearly 4,000 US soldiers have been killed and tens of thousands more wounded.
Overall the Iraqi war brings all types of problems for the Iraqis as well as for the American soldiers, such of death, injury, poverty, ....
Anyway, now in the States, people are starting to realize that the Iraqi War was a mistake, and also they are realizing Iraq occupation has to end right the way. Why does it look like it might be the year of the end of Iraq War? Because citiciens have listened to the trickery, and the lies, and the false promises of the white house for too long, and they're fed up. And in 2008, it seems to be the year, because what can the republicans use now to fool americans?, nuthin, americans see all through now. They have been ralling this past months, some of the most powerful voices against the war have been the men and women who have fought in it, few of them are even Republicans, That's means that Iraqi war has become the main enemy, whether you are Repulican, Democrat, whether you are cristian, atheius, Iraqi war is consider wrong, so , I'm almost sure that 2008 will be year when the Iraqi occupation must end.
The goal of this blogz
If you have been reading my blog you may think that I have a pessimist behavior, but that's not true, I don't look myself as a pessimist, I look myself as a critic person. So when I write on the blog I don't do it as a pessimist person, I write as a critic I actually like to be critic, I mean it, I like to detect the wrong or the miss understanding facts of the politics, life, society. And, as I see it, is good to have your own ideas so you can speak your own words ad think your own thoughts,however if you wanna be sure that your values are only yours and that your opinions are not being influencited by no one, you need to be critic with everything, you have to doubt on almost all you are concern about.
Even dough I have written a lot of hopeless entrances, the goal of his blog is not to give a awful view of our world, the real goal of this blog is to fight what is coming to all of us, against the enemy that is coming to all of us, the credulity.
Even dough I have written a lot of hopeless entrances, the goal of his blog is not to give a awful view of our world, the real goal of this blog is to fight what is coming to all of us, against the enemy that is coming to all of us, the credulity.
diumenge, 9 de març del 2008
About books and writterz...
One of the things I like the most to do is reading, yes I enjoy reading,
in my opinion everyone does, but some people don't know how to chose the books they like, so they apparently dislike reading. There are so many books to chose off, and it's hard to find a book that you really like, this is the biggest problem with reading, it's easy to get stuck with a book. To solve this problem I recommend:
- Ask your friends about the books they've red.
- Do never read books which are suggested by the school.
- Once you've already started to read a book, don't leave it 'til you've red 50 pages; you cannot judge or diss a book with only few pages readed.
-I know is hard to start to read a book, but trust me, keep on reading cuz even dough you may feel lazy at the beginning, when the pages pass by you'll like it more.
Personally my favorite books are the old ones, the classical ones. Generally I read everything that is old excepted the scien-fiction ones.
Especially I like the book Crime and Punishment from Fedor Dostoievski, well, actually I've enjoyed all the novels which Dostoievski wrote. I also had enjoyed the Nobel Moby Dick while I was reading it.
in my opinion everyone does, but some people don't know how to chose the books they like, so they apparently dislike reading. There are so many books to chose off, and it's hard to find a book that you really like, this is the biggest problem with reading, it's easy to get stuck with a book. To solve this problem I recommend:
- Ask your friends about the books they've red.
- Do never read books which are suggested by the school.
- Once you've already started to read a book, don't leave it 'til you've red 50 pages; you cannot judge or diss a book with only few pages readed.
-I know is hard to start to read a book, but trust me, keep on reading cuz even dough you may feel lazy at the beginning, when the pages pass by you'll like it more.
Personally my favorite books are the old ones, the classical ones. Generally I read everything that is old excepted the scien-fiction ones.
Especially I like the book Crime and Punishment from Fedor Dostoievski, well, actually I've enjoyed all the novels which Dostoievski wrote. I also had enjoyed the Nobel Moby Dick while I was reading it.
dimecres, 5 de març del 2008
As almost everyone knows, American elections are coming up, yeah, finally.
Lot's of people are thinking that this next elections are going to be crucial for American future, but that's not true. I'm gonna try to show you that Hillary Clinton as well as Barak Obama are not a revolutionary choice for the political history of united states.
Someone had asked to Nixon when a black American will become the president of United states,He had answer that is impossible for a black man to be the president of America. Nixon wasn't wrong, I also think that there's never gonna be a black person ruling the white house. When I say Black, I mean, real black, inside and outside. You don't need to be an expert to figured out that despiting the skin color, Obama is purly white in his politics ideas as well as in his way of looking America. About a week ago, I was reading a very interesting article about Obama. In that article they compared Obama's ideas with the laws that Kennedy made up is his legislature, and it was very surprising, because Kennedy laws about the black population rights in America are much better compared with what Obama has promised to the AFRO-AMERICAN community if he wins the elections. A lot of black people in America won't believe this fact, but they still don't know that the color of the skin is not the color of your mind. This is the biggest problem,in American elections is more important the apparency rather than the initiatives. Americans trust too much in politicians, they can't see politicians as people who are representing a lot of interests, they prefer to see politicians as regular people , that's why they say ( IN AMERICAN ANY MAN CAN BE THE PRESIDENT) rich people want us to think in this way, even though the truth is completely opposite: ( AMERICA IS A COUNTRY WHERE IT'S HARDER TO BECAME THE PRESIDENT)Why? Because to became president in the states you need thuosends of money, if you want money you need to have a lot of companies sponsoring you, and this companies want you to favor their interests , and if you became president you will have to pay your favor back to the companies, so your laws will be manipulated by corporations, so after all who rules the country ain't the president, who really rules are the corporations. That's why Politicians will never favor the poor, cuz the companies are rich, and the poor are mosty black. After all, any president( including Obama) will never help the black community unless they fight the power of corporations, but presidents don't like to risk their situation, the only one who really did it was Kennedy, and everyone knows how he had ended.
Lot's of people are thinking that this next elections are going to be crucial for American future, but that's not true. I'm gonna try to show you that Hillary Clinton as well as Barak Obama are not a revolutionary choice for the political history of united states.
Someone had asked to Nixon when a black American will become the president of United states,He had answer that is impossible for a black man to be the president of America. Nixon wasn't wrong, I also think that there's never gonna be a black person ruling the white house. When I say Black, I mean, real black, inside and outside. You don't need to be an expert to figured out that despiting the skin color, Obama is purly white in his politics ideas as well as in his way of looking America. About a week ago, I was reading a very interesting article about Obama. In that article they compared Obama's ideas with the laws that Kennedy made up is his legislature, and it was very surprising, because Kennedy laws about the black population rights in America are much better compared with what Obama has promised to the AFRO-AMERICAN community if he wins the elections. A lot of black people in America won't believe this fact, but they still don't know that the color of the skin is not the color of your mind. This is the biggest problem,in American elections is more important the apparency rather than the initiatives. Americans trust too much in politicians, they can't see politicians as people who are representing a lot of interests, they prefer to see politicians as regular people , that's why they say ( IN AMERICAN ANY MAN CAN BE THE PRESIDENT) rich people want us to think in this way, even though the truth is completely opposite: ( AMERICA IS A COUNTRY WHERE IT'S HARDER TO BECAME THE PRESIDENT)Why? Because to became president in the states you need thuosends of money, if you want money you need to have a lot of companies sponsoring you, and this companies want you to favor their interests , and if you became president you will have to pay your favor back to the companies, so your laws will be manipulated by corporations, so after all who rules the country ain't the president, who really rules are the corporations. That's why Politicians will never favor the poor, cuz the companies are rich, and the poor are mosty black. After all, any president( including Obama) will never help the black community unless they fight the power of corporations, but presidents don't like to risk their situation, the only one who really did it was Kennedy, and everyone knows how he had ended.
dimarts, 26 de febrer del 2008
CHANGES a Tupac song
Come on come on
I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself
is life worth living should I blast myself?
I'm tired of bein' poor & even worse I'm black
my stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch
Cops give a damn about a negro
pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero
Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares
one less hungry mouth on the welfare
First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal the brothers
give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other
It's time to fight back that's what Huey said
2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead
I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere
unless we share with each other
We gotta start makin' changes
learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers
and that's how it's supposed to be
How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me?
I'd love to go back to when we played as kids
but things changed, and that's the way it is
Come on come on
That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah
I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
and only time we chill is when we kill each other
it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other
And although it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks
But some things will never change
try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game
Now tell me what's a mother to do
bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you
You gotta operate the easy way
"I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way
[Changes lyrics on]
sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid,"
Well hey, well that's the way it is
Come on come on
That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah
We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.
And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace
It's war on the streets & the war in the Middle East
Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs
so the police can bother me
And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do
But now I'm back with the facts givin' it back to you
Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up,
crack you up and pimp smack you up
You gotta learn to hold ya own
they get jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone
But tell the cops they can't touch this
I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this
That's the sound of my tool you say it ain't cool
my mama didn't raise no fool
And as long as I stay black I gotta stay strapped
& I never get to lay back
'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs
some punk that I roughed up way back
comin' back after all these years
rat-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh
Come on come on
That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah
I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself
is life worth living should I blast myself?
I'm tired of bein' poor & even worse I'm black
my stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch
Cops give a damn about a negro
pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero
Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares
one less hungry mouth on the welfare
First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal the brothers
give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other
It's time to fight back that's what Huey said
2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead
I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere
unless we share with each other
We gotta start makin' changes
learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers
and that's how it's supposed to be
How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me?
I'd love to go back to when we played as kids
but things changed, and that's the way it is
Come on come on
That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah
I see no changes all I see is racist faces
misplaced hate makes disgrace to races
We under I wonder what it takes to make this
one better place, let's erase the wasted
Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right
'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight
and only time we chill is when we kill each other
it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other
And although it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh
It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact
the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks
But some things will never change
try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game
Now tell me what's a mother to do
bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you
You gotta operate the easy way
"I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way
[Changes lyrics on]
sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid,"
Well hey, well that's the way it is
Come on come on
That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah
We gotta make a change...
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
and let's change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.
And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace
It's war on the streets & the war in the Middle East
Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs
so the police can bother me
And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do
But now I'm back with the facts givin' it back to you
Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up,
crack you up and pimp smack you up
You gotta learn to hold ya own
they get jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone
But tell the cops they can't touch this
I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this
That's the sound of my tool you say it ain't cool
my mama didn't raise no fool
And as long as I stay black I gotta stay strapped
& I never get to lay back
'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs
some punk that I roughed up way back
comin' back after all these years
rat-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh
Come on come on
That's just the way it is
Things'll never be the same
That's just the way it is
aww yeah

All you need to know about rap
Hi There
It has been a while since I wrote the last entrance.
Today I wanna talk you about a good American fact , Rap.
American Rap started in the states 30 years ago, and right now is the most popular music around the country and also is very known internationally.
Everyone has in mind a little idea about rap, but only few people really know the difference between rap and crap. What I'm trying to say is that even dough there are a lot of interesting and serious rapers, there are also a lot of fake rapers, which, this the last ones, are a shame for the real rappers.
There are two different ways of classifying the American rappers; by the coast, or by the ages.
Basically the rappers from the west coast( L.A) are more famous than the east coast(N.Y & N.J) artist, with some exceptions.
Definitely and without no exception the old school rapers, or also known as the 90's rapers are way better than the rapers who sing now.
As almost everything in this world, rap is degenerating, the best rapers where from the early 90's. Those rapers were serious and they made up originals rimes with a very critical lyrics, talking about social issues cuz they use to live in the ghetto. Also, old school rapers use to be gangsters who dedicated their money to fight the police and help poor people out. A example of a good raper was TUPAC, he got shot to death eleven years ago when he was 25. He use to control a militia called black panther, while he was a rap star. That was the way it used to be, the rapers used to be black activist in favor of the black cause, and they used to write songs about how the black people deserved respect.
Right now the rapers are all shit, they sing about cars and women, they don't rap about social issues.
So, I only listen to the old rapers, especially three of them Eazy-E, Notorious B.I.G and Tupac, all three are dead, the first one because of AIDS, and the other two they got shot by the cops.
It has been a while since I wrote the last entrance.
Today I wanna talk you about a good American fact , Rap.
American Rap started in the states 30 years ago, and right now is the most popular music around the country and also is very known internationally.
Everyone has in mind a little idea about rap, but only few people really know the difference between rap and crap. What I'm trying to say is that even dough there are a lot of interesting and serious rapers, there are also a lot of fake rapers, which, this the last ones, are a shame for the real rappers.
There are two different ways of classifying the American rappers; by the coast, or by the ages.
Basically the rappers from the west coast( L.A) are more famous than the east coast(N.Y & N.J) artist, with some exceptions.
Definitely and without no exception the old school rapers, or also known as the 90's rapers are way better than the rapers who sing now.
As almost everything in this world, rap is degenerating, the best rapers where from the early 90's. Those rapers were serious and they made up originals rimes with a very critical lyrics, talking about social issues cuz they use to live in the ghetto. Also, old school rapers use to be gangsters who dedicated their money to fight the police and help poor people out. A example of a good raper was TUPAC, he got shot to death eleven years ago when he was 25. He use to control a militia called black panther, while he was a rap star. That was the way it used to be, the rapers used to be black activist in favor of the black cause, and they used to write songs about how the black people deserved respect.
Right now the rapers are all shit, they sing about cars and women, they don't rap about social issues.
So, I only listen to the old rapers, especially three of them Eazy-E, Notorious B.I.G and Tupac, all three are dead, the first one because of AIDS, and the other two they got shot by the cops.
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