dimarts, 26 de febrer del 2008

All you need to know about rap

Hi There
It has been a while since I wrote the last entrance.
Today I wanna talk you about a good American fact , Rap.
American Rap started in the states 30 years ago, and right now is the most popular music around the country and also is very known internationally.
Everyone has in mind a little idea about rap, but only few people really know the difference between rap and crap. What I'm trying to say is that even dough there are a lot of interesting and serious rapers, there are also a lot of fake rapers, which, this the last ones, are a shame for the real rappers.
There are two different ways of classifying the American rappers; by the coast, or by the ages.
Basically the rappers from the west coast( L.A) are more famous than the east coast(N.Y & N.J) artist, with some exceptions.
Definitely and without no exception the old school rapers, or also known as the 90's rapers are way better than the rapers who sing now.
As almost everything in this world, rap is degenerating, the best rapers where from the early 90's. Those rapers were serious and they made up originals rimes with a very critical lyrics, talking about social issues cuz they use to live in the ghetto. Also, old school rapers use to be gangsters who dedicated their money to fight the police and help poor people out. A example of a good raper was TUPAC, he got shot to death eleven years ago when he was 25. He use to control a militia called black panther, while he was a rap star. That was the way it used to be, the rapers used to be black activist in favor of the black cause, and they used to write songs about how the black people deserved respect.
Right now the rapers are all shit, they sing about cars and women, they don't rap about social issues.
So, I only listen to the old rapers, especially three of them Eazy-E, Notorious B.I.G and Tupac, all three are dead, the first one because of AIDS, and the other two they got shot by the cops.