When people think about comics they always imagine funny or entertainment stuff, however, the best kind of comic is the satiric comic.
Since the satiric comics give us a view of the society, they are the best kinds of comics for teenagers.
I would like to show you some of the EL ROTO work, but it has to be in English, unfortunately there is not a English version of these comics.
This kind of work is not for laugh, is to think, the goal of the author is to make you guess.
dimarts, 4 de desembre del 2007
They will kill you, yes, but because of a good reason, revenge

The silver-back gorillas.
They are 9o times stronger than human beens, but they are not natural aggressive, however, they ca be dangerous against us, because they feel threatened by us.
It's sad cuz these gorillas are about to disappear, because of our technology and shit.
We are killing the gorillas for no reason, even though they have a thousands of causes of heating us they don't
dilluns, 3 de desembre del 2007
Be rich means get richer.

Here I am gonna say some sentences about our society:
The country that is not a productive subject, is a object to attack.
When someone talks me about enemies, I know the enemy is him.
It's easy to clone mans in the television way.
Such a modern weapons, such a old wars.
The wars we see, are nothing compared with the wars we don't.
The Palestinian ruins are the Israel rubbish.
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